Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Meeting with a MASOC

Either on this weekend or next week, i'll meet with a of the MASOC team. Since our goal is quite same, so hopefully they will help us on this thing. We have to do this on a proper way and without any mistake. May god bless us..


  1. Lawak kan, Malaysia terlalu berhati-hati dalam perkara yang tak jadi ancaman sebenarnya, tapi perkara2 seperti pengawalan sempadan yg terlalu lemah, tak plak diambil kira.

    Sepatutnya kerajaan mengalakkan sukan tactical seperti airsoft sebab secara tak langsung, mempersiapkan warga awam dengan kemahiran yg sangat diperlukan dalam mempertahankan negara.

    Melalui airsoft, secara tak langsung juga mempersiapkan barisan militia yg terlatih jika khidmat diperlukan.

    Negara2 lain dah lamam nampak kepentingan sukan menembak yg lebih accessible mcm airsoft dan paintball, tapi malangnya kat sini, pemikiran kebanyakan dari kita terutamanya pembuat2 keputusan masih lagi dizaman 80'an. Jumud dan ketinggalan.

    Rasa2nya, Malaysia satu2nya negara di ASEAN yg mengharamkan benda yg murni seperti airsoft. Pengharaman pulak disebabkan akta yang tak dikemaskini sesuai menurut peredaran zaman.

    Sepatutnya para pembuat keputusan mengkaji dengan teliti dari sudut positif dan faedahnya pada negara sebelum terburu-buru mengharamkan sesuatu yg sangat bermanfaat.

    Yang penting sebenarnya mewujudkan satu modul pengawalan yang effektif demi mencegah penyalahgunaan, bukannya dengan mengharamkan terus! Mengharamkan airsoft sama macam mengharamkan sukan extreme seperti skateboarding! Memalukan!

  2. Agree with Surpress. But nvm, lets see how the government take our step towards making it controlled.

  3. emm... kalo dorang nak reject gak la kan... sy rase tindakan drastik yg boleh kita ambil sebagai rakyat malaysia yg berperintahan "demokrasi", saya rase kita boleh lantik karpal "sing" untuk fight dkt court dgn PDRM..siap dgn tunjuk perasaan secara aman skali kat luar court tu ha..mesti menang. rase nye la... tp atlease kene la dpt surat sokongan drpd PM dulu kan?

  4. bukan apa...not fair la kalau dalam 1-2 tahun baru ada 2-3 kes salah guna airsoft, satu malaysia diharamkan airsoft ni...ibarat sebiji buah yang busuk, satu pokok disita...haha

  5. Liew Hon Keat (Han)October 7, 2010 at 8:52 AM

    true true, we should show good example to the entire country show what we capable of doing!

  6. As democratic and free nation, gvt MUST listen to what the rakyat wants and IMPLEMENT it. What the gvt must do is to provide preventative measures to ensure airsoft to be a safe sport.

    And what we as airsofter have to do is to provide the gvt with reasons; why airsoft is needed to benefit the country.

    My POV on benefit of airsoft is to draw tourist coz we are one of the limited nations that have vast, dense jungle. This will attract airsofters around the globe if constant competitions are held throughout the year.

    Compares to Indonesia and latin-America, airsofter especially from Europe, Middle east, Africa and Even japan will see Malaysia as the safest place to visit and experience games held in jungle.

    Coz airsoft is gaining HUGE support and draw more & more participants faster that anything else. Plus not only civilians play it, even armies around the world also indulged in airsoft.

    Just imagine if a huge-scale, world-title competition to be held here, the number of participants also would be colossal, same goes with the fans.

    And this will generate more income and will add another tourism values in this country.

    But everything MUST start small. And by legalizing airsoft and approving the forming of clubs, this will be the first giant step towards a more competitive and prosperous country!

  7. Liew Hon Keat (Han)October 7, 2010 at 8:45 PM


  8. Agree wit Surpress.

    -from otai2 n underground. dats wat we want to hear as a matured opinion about the sports. keep up ur good work n value the code of honor.

    ps: gua dulu pn skater gak. hehe

  9. Hi mate,
    This is my honest opinion. I have been around airsoft, play with it and tweak it for 4-5 years . There are several attempt before MASOC trying to make this game legal and all end in vain due to the failure to understand our legal system.
    In Malta, Indonesia and Phillipines, the parliament have amended the act of ownership of firearms which exclude airsoft as firearms. Which mean, even with support, you'll still have to have somebody to present and amend this act. That means you'll need 2/3 support of the parliament. You can be a superhero doing one man job but you'll still need lawyer and for this kind of job, you'll spit so many dough that you'll end up with a hole in your pocket because it's going to be super long battle

    As per surat sokongan from PM, we already have that for a very long time, in fact we already have it in our hand for 2 years (yes! it still hanging at our wall as of now!)! yet still we fail to get it legalized

    Funny thing is, I had never met Lizardhunter as an active player. How could a man who never step in the field and see how malaysian airsoft scene look like decide what is good for us? An armchair general are never as good as foot soldier.

    As legalization per say, I had discussed this matter with many airsoft veterans that played this sport since 1998 that legalization and regulation issue is two separate issue. As of our scene now, we barely able to contain outlawed airsofter (airsofter who fail to abide by our standardized rule) and this happen in group less than hundreds. What happen when we have 30,000 members? How can we effectively control them? Reality are different from ideal. Paperworks and talks is cheap, way too cheap. That's what I meant by those who sat behind the desk can never see what those who fight on the field.

    I am a medical doctor and when I played airsoft, I was a medical student. I was advised by my seniors that we need not look at the benefit alone; we need to look at the negative effect too, so we can anticipate the problem and weigh the benefit against the negative effect. The way i see it now as one of the field operator, The negative effect far outweigh the benefit. one good benefit plus another doesn't equal all negative effect

    Liaison officer,
    1st United Airsoft Coalition Force,

  10. I might be vets in this sports, I discover this sport just 2~3 years ago, I might not have experience the adrenaline of this sport but 1 thing I realized. I don't see the support of you veterans. Why won't you support? You think it's vain to waste effort legalize this sport? Ask yourself this, do you think it's worth it even thought you failed to legalize it?

    The previous genarations of airsofters might hve failed but do you think the next genarations will fail as well? This might come out of a textbook but i don't care.. But no faith on us? We might succeed and might not at least shownthe faith in the sport. To be honest, you sound like a soldier with a broken soul.

  11. These things aren't compulsary it's a hobby we still continue because we know the risk so I don't care if your a doctor or whatever you think how smart ass you are don't put others faith down cause your's are burnout there many people that support it but can't voice out so we take the initiative instead so keep your own hopelessness to yourself.Either you help or shut up thank you

  12. oh..maybe ada benar kata2 tuan doktor tu..isk.isk..saya ni dah tua jugak la kot..umur pun dah 35..tapi memang minat gila dengan game ni.. klu kita pikir negatif ajer susah la nak majukn sukan ni....manusia ni memang rambut sama itam tapi hati lain2..mungkin benar kita tak leh nak mendisplin kn semua org atau nak pantau semua ahli..itu sebab la ada peraturan dan undang2 club..sebab itulah nanti senjata2 mainan itu tidak dibenarkan dibawa pulang..takut disalah guna..hanya klu ada game atau pun pertandingan ajer ahli dibenarkan mengunakannya..setiap ahli yg berdaftar dimestikan menghadiri kelas..supaya sekurang2nya tahu tentang peraturan dan undang2 semasa..akta senjata api..dan sebagainya..kita nak ada pemain airsoft yg berilmu..bukanyer tangkap muat ajer..tahu tembak ajer..supaya lebih berdisplin..klu ada ahli yg melanggar peraturan..atau melakukan kesalahan yg serius..keahlian akan dilucutkan..dan senjata mereka akan diserahkan kepada pihak polis..klu ada kesalahan yg berkaitan undang2..biar polis sahaja yg menyiasat dan mengambil tindakan..senang cite sendiri buat sendiri tanggung..... oh yer..saya ni bukan lah pemain airsoft yg veteran kat malaysia ni..dan tak apndai sgt...cuma saya pernah main dekat UK dulu...x pernah pun jumpa pemain airsoft kat mlaysia ni..dan saya pun baru first time jumpa encik pemburu cicak tu..dan saya rasa dia memang ikhlas berusaha..berjuang untuk halalkan sukan airsoft kat malaysia ni.walaupun dengan serba kekurangan beliau masih cuba dan berusaha jugak....dan saya tak nampak kenapa perlu ada komen yg negatif dari pemain atau pun pengemar sukan airsoft ni..yg tak suka pulak sukan ni di halalkan macam paintball tu..cuba bagi peluang dulu kepada beliau untuk mencuba..dan berusaha..jgn la asyik kondem ajer...semua ini...perlukn komitmen..perlukan pengorbanan dari segi masa dan wang ringgit,tapi terima kasih jugak la kerana ramai jugak yg pihak pepmburu cicak jgn la hendaknya lemah semangat untuk meneruskan perjuangan..ramai yg menyokong ..caiyokk!!!!

  13. marilah kite menyokong perjuangan en. lizardHunter ni . jgn gado2 . nak join blh . tapi klau setakat nak give bad comments dan menjatuh kan semangat org kat dlm blog ni baik x payah . kite hanye mencuba kalo diizinkan ALLAH berjaya lh en. lizardhunter . tapi berjaya @ x aku tetap sapot en. lizardhunter ni . sbb die buat ni pakai time die & pakai duit die lagi . korang yg nak komen negatif ni cuba lh buat bende ni bru tau penat ke x . org dh tolong nak ckp bnyk lagi . x kire lh u tu doktor ke lawyer ke @ ape2 lh . cube sapot je kelab ni . klau nak komen negatif jgn nak sibok2 kat sini . blog ni hanye utk org yg nak sapot kelab ni je

  14. haha saya sokong tristandoes tu, kepada komen2 negatif to kalau tak suka blog ni jagan bukak habis cita. pemburu cicak tu bersusah payah kehulur kehilir nak halal kan airsoft ni, so tolong bagi semagat dan jagan komen2 yg nak kondemkan.

  15. As Salam Saudara Lizard,

    Sudah kah anda berjumpa dgn MASOC? Apakah feedback dari MASOC? Sanggup kah MASOC berganding bahu dalam perjuangan ini?

    Mandian Limau

  16. betul ker dah jumpa MASOC....hhuhuh adw lagi ker MASOC...

  17. Masoc tu tak leh pakai la.. temberang ajer la..semua dah senyap ajer..mesti ada buat kesalahan yg besar takut kena tangkap!!!!!masoc ni memalukan airsofter seluruh negara!!!!

  18. jgn cakap cam tu...atlease dorang dah try... skrg giliran kita pulak.

  19. saudara anonymous,
    cakap biar berdasarkan fakta,kenapa ingat masoc ada buat kesalahan besar?if yes, why they still exist till now?
    setakat ckp depan pc bole lah...meh berdepan la kalau berani!!

    mandian bunga

  20. oit mandiam bunga yg bodo..ko tak tahu apa apa sudah la..kang aku ckp kang MASOC dan ko sekali yg malu..klu ko nak tahu..ko pi la tanya KDN tu..bagero!!!

  21. isk.isk..apa la korang ni bergaduh macam budak kecik hal yg remeh temeh??nampak sgt pemikiran korang ni sempit sgt la..yg lepas tu lepas la..jgn kita kutuk atau pun kondem sesiapa pun..byk lagi keje dan perkara lain yg leh dibuat untuk sukan airsoft ni dari kita bergaduh sesama sendiri..x ada faedah langsung..!!!!

  22. wahai saudara yg gunakan name anonymous ni jgn gado2 .

  23. haha setakat cakap dlm net berani la...kalau ko ingat ko tu betul ckp je la terang2...asal nak sembunyi bende yg betul...bodo!

    anyway, good luck to en lizard to legalize this sport..u can refer to old timer anytime if u want to..

  24. sama je mcm paintball cuma guna replika senjata sebenar. Masalahnya adakah penggunaan senjata replika akan dibenarkan dimalaysia ? saya sokong n saya juga adalah peminat sukan ni. Terfikir juga jika replika dibenarkan, satu peraturan khas diwujudkan utk mengelak penggunaan replika tdk disalahgunakan agar sukan ini dipandang dari sudut positif sepertimana sukan paintball...:)


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