Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Ok guys..nak berangkat ke Suruhanjaya Sukan dah ni... harap2 presentation sy berjaya. Insyaallah..


  1. saya doakan lizardhunter kelab berjaya amin. sabree

  2. selamat ..selamat hari raya..erk..silap..selamat ..Semoga berjaya...huhuhuhu

  3. Kalau berjaya ni, termakbul la doa daku selama ni...

    And taklah terperap senjata airsoft kat rumah ni...


  4. Hi mate,
    well, I think they'll let you start the club, just like they let MASOC start athe club. Legalization is still another issue.
    Not that I prayed that you will fail, I seriously doubt that an armchair general like you seriously understand the scenario we, the footsoldiers of airsoft who had been in this sport for like 4-5 years. You are too optimist, seeing only the benefit and this is your greatest weakness. You failure to anticipate problems will be your downfall. You have to be realistic. Even we who had been in this sport for years weren't able to contain outlaw airsofter and our number is still small, how do manage 30,000 airsofter?

    Soaring Eagle,

  5. Hi mate,
    I am not anonymous anyway. Many of my brethrens and I myself have tried to contact you but it seems that you didn't respond. There must be a reason why you didn't even bother to respond. I think I know why. The reason why you didn't want to establish contact with us are pretty simple - it's a big cake, and you want it all. at the end of the day, it all come down to dollar and cent.
    Sincerely, if you want to solely legalize airsoft without any other suspicious intent, you'll be willing to contact, cooperate with us (and we are willing to cooperate too, remember, we are BIGGER than you!). Unless it's all about the BIG DOUGH that's going to fill in your pocket.

    Soaring Eagle,
    Delta 1 EOD team

  6. say soaring eagle, u guys have a page? a group I can join? suppliers I can contact?

    legalizing is long way to go... so, lets have fun while waiting right?


  7. Hi mate,
    we do have a group with a size of a company (circa 120 men). This is a closely knit group, where we took care of each other like our very own siblings. We even hired lawyers and have ac committee for our organization.
    We had been in this gig long enough to see all the hood and bad things. The purposes of our organization is to educate airsofter, train them to enjoy the game with strict application rules and regualtions and lastly to protect ourself in case of we were in trouble with authorities.
    Until this day, there are not a single case in which enthusiast are prosecuted by the legal system in our country. Most of the time it was the distributor who get caught. even that, they did get away.

    Semper fi

    Soaring eagles,

  8. Okay why not you contact me and I can convince him to contact you guys. Please do send me an email about you guys at

  9. Ya la, why not mr anonymous contact je mr han, manatau bleh dapat manfaat bersama.

  10. Hi mate,
    I have already send MR HAN an email. Let see if he replied. My brethrens and I will consider your action as rude shall you not return our email as this isn't the 1st time we sent you such e-mail.
    Truly, If his intent are solely to legalize airsoft without other intentions, we'll back him with resources we have (we have doctors, lawyers, ex special force, IT manager, lawyers and etc in our team). However, I do like him to refrain himself from branding veterans like us as an outlaw for enjoying airsoft prior to airsoft legalization, that is if he did manage to get airsoft legalized. Arrogance and Ignorance are a good combined receipe for failure.

    Soaring Eagle
    Delta 1 EOD

  11. I just replied the...

    Liasion Officer,
    1st Joint Airsoft Coalition Force,

    which it was in my spam box.. no kidding. BUT!!! didnt reply an email doesnt mean i ignoring u. Iam not looking at my email 24/7. My fon? this is era jepun punya fon so emailing is not allowed here. AND?? even if u call me when i tengah ter "berry"...i wont pickup la.

  12. yes we can meet up. Anytime if u want? tell me where but not too far from Sg. Buloh..dont have a rod tex to go too far tgh2 malam. CALL ME 019-6951043

  13. macam bagus sgt delta 1..fuck off..who u think u are??ko ingat ada ex doktor ke..police ke besar hebat sgt ke??klu hebat apasal sampai skg pun macam cibai jugak..???selama ni pun org tu buat sendiri ajer..yg korang sibuk sgt apasal??klu dia nak kaya sorang pun dia punya pasal la..korang tahu nak kondem ajer..x suka jgn la join..ckp ajer pandai..fuck off!!

  14. hi mr DELTA ONE
    if u are already stabile , why do you wanted to join us . since u were saying mr lizardhunter calling u are an outlaw and u are an outlaw . cause if i am right the airsoft are illegal right , and u can be take away by the cops here in malaysia . so your action and words show that you are abiding the law . but i think it is ok for u since u have a lawyer for your team right..... but u still did not do any effort to legalize this sport . cause i think u stop at the first attempt . so u guys are still an illegal team in malaysian law is it not . and PLEASE DO NOT TYPE SEMPER FI . cause u did not have the right . it is only for the marines u freaking faggot . hahahahahahahahahah

  15. Saya sokong apa yg anda ckpkan itu Mr Tristandoes...

  16. hi mate,
    i'm not condemning him. Kindly read my post AGAIN. If his intent is solely to get airsoft legalized, he have our full support. In fact, we are willing to lend a hand by extending our resources shall he need one.

    As legalization attempt per se, we have tried and we fail. Trying to get it done is extremely expensive and hard if you do it the right way. Do not accuse of thing you do not know of.

    And those backbenchers. What did actually you do? you just talk and talk is cheap.

    For us, it is changes that we want. If the price of airsoft hardware remain the same as the current one in black market, uncontrolled zombie are everywhere, than legalization have failed it's purpose. Am I right?

    regardless, vulgar anonymous message are allowed, is it?

  17. Okey MR. SORING EAGLE FROM DELTA 1 EOD TEAM . HAHAHA . i have been into airsoft since i was 6 y.o . so i have know every detail about airsoft . but i am truly thanks mr. lizard for everything that he do . ok .
    you cannot expect he to control the price of airsoft since it depend on the people who bring it in to this country . and FYI there are some tax to that u must pay . got it . so don't cry .
    those backbenchers you are saying are the most supportive guys that i have ever know . not like u commenting us by using ANONYMOUS . HAHAHA . A BUNCH OF FAGGOT .

  18. if u are afraid of the zombie airsofters out there ,rarararar .that is why we want to legalize airsoft & made this club . so that all airsofters would register and be a club member . if not then the cops will take them away and they will be imprison . thatis the reason for this club to exist . and not to dominate the selling of airsoft gun . is that what u want ? MR. SOARING EAGLE FROM DELTA 1 EOD TEAM ? HAVE U EVEN TOUCH A REAL GRENADE TO USE THE E.O.D. THING ?

  19. PLEASE all my airsoft brother . support this club . don't put a demoralizing comments like all the so called veterans . if you think that if u join this club to get a cheap airsoft gun then we cannot help u cause it is not easy to bring in airsoft gun .since u have tax & tax from the gov . this is a club for airsofters , even if the guy is selling u must consider his cost . so just wait until the club is establish then u can say anything u want . PLEASE SUPPORT US .

  20. are u stupid?
    were talking airsoft.
    not real deal.

  21. ok...we finish about this. We cant keep fighting like this lor... this is not an airsofter should act. We have a same goals right? lets coop...easy.

  22. ok boss kami ikut ckp bos . no trash talking on this posting anymore . we should working together . sorry boss .

  23. ok bos, kita semua kena bersabar. dan ikut kata bos, kalau ikaut hati aku dah lame aku nak carut dalam blog ni tapi buat apa, yg skrg ni matlamat kita untuk jayakan kelab airsoft ni berjaya. jadi yg mana comment pakai Anonymous ni antara takut dan yg suka2 baca blog je (suka baca tapi takda blog sendiri), jadi saya mintak sepenuh2nye sokongan tuan2 dan puan2 kepada bos kami encik lizardhunter. please seport kelab airsoft kita dan kami semua..

  24. hehehee apa la bergaduh macam budak kecik ajer korang ni..hihihihi..sabar.!!.ada yg kena rotan ni kang..Lol~ Step by didahulukan..kejersama diutamakan..kui.kui.kui..apa apa pun kita kena pastikn club berjaya dulu..baru kita leh plan untuk perkara yg seterusnya..bukanyer bole buat sekali gus kn?klu dah ada club..dah halal main under club..baru la kita leh luaskan kejesama dengan pihak2 lain..ini bukanyer soal nak buat duit..berlagak..sombong..atau nak kaya..klu setakat jual airsoft gun tu pun byk tempat ada jual..cuma rasanya bukan pihak kita org yg mulakan provokasi ni..org2 yg mengelarkan diri mereka yg mula mula perli dan kondem apa yg Encik Lizard hunter tu nak sebagai manusia..kekadang memang la sakit hati dengan kenyataan macam tu..klu tak suka sudah...x payah nak menganggu rancangan kita org ni..maybe diorang ada kepentingan sendiri..itu hal korang la kn..ini just nak halalkan game ni supaya semua org akan mendapat manafaat dan gembira bermain bersama macam main perang2 zaman budak2 dulu..kui.kui.kui..semuanya makan masa..x bole jadi dan sempurna dengan satu langkah ajer..macam negara kita malaysia ni pun lepas merdeka tak terus jadi maju macam ni kn.?.ambik masa ..step by step..isk.isk..kaki sakit accident moto semalam ..jln pun step by step..waaaaaaaaaaa isk.isk.isk..ini ari mc la.. huhuhuu

  25. Anyways Mr. Soaring Eagle, if ur group is really aimed to "EDUCATE' air softer, why dont u give me ur details?

    Where to join ur club and all... Or ur just like those mafia groups who recruit members if they see fit and trash out the rest? When u say this Lizard dude is "TAKING THE WHOLE CAKE FOR HIMSELF", how bout u? Being soo hush2 in airsoft and not trying to legalize it for the sake of the mass...

    U have lawyers? okay, what for? to get ur ass out of jail when ur caught with ur airsoft? does dat sumhow help the airsoft industry to grow? Mr. Soaring eagle, ur not helping...

    As for Mr. Lizardhunter, if this is legalized, I dont want it to discriminate noob airsofters like me... I know it when its a con...

  26. wahhh... Club didahulukan..kejersama diutamakan.. falsafah ko eh? :D Mr Anonymous.. i already make a few call to those team and we are ready to coop. I dont want to conquer the airsoft in this country but infact, we will be the badan induk for the airsoft.. IF we succeed on the legalization la. I insisted that to make it legal is not easy as writing a proposal.. i feel like they r playing a ping pong to me already but i like to see how long it will takes before we go to "Another" approach which means is... my plan "B" ;)

  27. All d best. to be coop is good for u coz u still zero.

    Ghillie monster, Sniper Recon

  28. please all my airsoft brothers in this club . don't be mad at me for my posting

  29. don't worry boss . you should just wait and see first . don't get caoght in the anxiety of the others . remember how much time & money you have put in the effort to make this club & legalize this airsoft thingy . we all the members of this club pledge to support you boss .

  30. ohh ghilie monster sniper recon are you from some more underground bragging , trashtalking,no understand, club ? if u want to join us then fined . but don't brag in this posting . we welcome you in this bretheren as brothers . but please everyone . stop this trashtalking comments . i am tired of this comments of condemming our club & our boss . he is just trying . ok . succeed or not , depends on the MSN ( NATIONAL SPORT COUNCIL ) . OK .

  31. Ghillie monster, Sniper Recon <<< ckp macam bagus ..hebat sgt ke ko???

    Fuck u

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. actually, what I wished is dat, its legalized even without the club...

    Kalau under club aje, mcm susah for a miskin dude like me!

    Nak byr beribu, gun lagi, fee lagi, penjamin lagi... many like me will stay underground... huhu...

  34. ye la, but without sacrificing a little comfort, the govt definitely wont legalize it...

    to make it legalize, a union of airsofters with a line-up of responsibility-burden committee members is compulsory, otherwise govt wont cooperate coz they want a guarantee someone or a group can be blame if something wrong happened.

    plus the fact airsoft is 'visually' dangerous.. it is dangerous if they misused it... and to prohibit misuse, a certain control mechanism is needed, thus a club or association is a must to regulate it...

    if badminton, squasy or lawnbowl, there will be no problem.. but the fact airsoft is unique and extreme, we have no choice but to sacrifice a bit..

    fishing also must sacrifice, u need to pay an hefty amount to get a permit to fishing in certain areas, even though fishing is harmless...

    we need support from airsofter like u bro, the more we have, the cheaper it will be..

  35. Dear Anonymous..saya faham dengan apa yg awak ckpkan tu..memang betul koz nak main tu mungkin tinggi sikit..dan maybe kebanyakkan dari kita tak mampu nak main game ni..setakat keje kilang pun kekadang gaji berapa sgt..nak bayar sewa umah lagi la..tapi klu tak main under club takut ramai pulak yg salah guna senjata airsoft tu.. club bole pantau senjata kelaur masuk..hanya bila ada game atau pun pertandingan ajer bole pakai...tapi tak tahu la nak ckp..coz belum ada apa apa lagi kita tunggu ajer la nanti..maybe klu ada club tu bole sewakan ke kepada ahli yg tak ada senjata airsoft ke..apa ke..x semestinya ianya akan mmebebankan ahli bila club ni wujud..apa apa pun kita tgk la nanti ...

  36. salam... for ur info!! memang club akan bekalkan airsoft untuk yg tak mampu nak beli. So the only they have to pay is membership fees. Tu je.. eventho, cube tgk pada Paintball.. even yg keje gaji tahap 2k pn tak mampu nak main sebenarnya. pallet sebijik skali tembak dah mcm baling duit 2-3 posen.. belum charge refill gas lg..marker lg? so personaly airsoft is a way cheaper than paintball. Maintenance?? even paintball marker pn boleh down lepas 2-3 bulan...bukan airsoft je. Pada yg tak mampu, kita tak pakse pn..kalau nak main gak, pakai je yg kelabnye airsoft jgn la expect yg dibekalkan tu sehebat yg "sendirian berhad" punya. Scope pn tak tentu ada :D

  37. my expectation, we gonna need around 12k monthly to maintain the club..especially 2 24/7 arm guard to keep our armory safe. I heard that 1 arm guard is around 5k per month. thats why we have to mark up the price a little to cover the spend..IF we have alottt of members, i dont think that marking up the price is a good "thing". Think about it la...

  38. 5k a month? bagi aku jela jadi pak gad... tak dpt 5k pun, 4k pun jalan je.. save byk tu.. xyah bagi senapang betul, aeg g36c tm shocking recoil pun ok, takut dah pnyangak tgk.. xpun bagi airgun yg .177 pun boley, klu tembak kepala mati gak..

  39. baik aku letak Claymore je kat depan pintu masuk kelab tu...lagi la save :D jgn pakai infra red mode...pakai "niat jahat mode".. so org jahat lalu je dia meletop.

  40. bagi aku jadi pak gard ok saya down lagi 2k sebulan no problem punye, hari2 boleh main sorang dgn harimau ke singa ke..

  41. bagi saya jadi pakgard, saya orang miskin huhuhu

  42. woitt! down harga tu tgl 2k je! aku potong hrga lagi, jadi 1.5k tapi makan minum ditanggung... hahaha!!! dan free internet.... hahaha!!!

  43. bestnyer..klu macam tu aku pun nak jadi pak guard..siap ada internet free lagi..hari hari bole online ni...hehehe

  44. ok ni last punye.. saya down lagi tak payah gaji, tapi sara saya dan anak bini saya sampai tua atau sampai anak saya kawin mcam mana ok.. hehe

  45. emm...baik bela 2 eko angsa je letak kat dlm kelab tu ha... equiptkan dgn M4 ke..AK47 ke kan? mesti ganas..


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