Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Happy 20 10 2010~~~~~~~~~~~

Salam semua... harap2 hari yg pelik ni (20 10 2010) mendatangkan kejayaan pade kelab la ye? hehe... BTW sy rase lepas pada ni, semua comment negatif yg menggunakan "Anonymous" , di BAN je terus..nak comment negatif boleh tp tunjukkan identiti anda yg sebenar. jgn jadi mcm katak bawah tempurung..bunyi berani tp nak tunjukkan diri tak berani. Sorry for the threat.. Ty wassalam..


  1. w'salam, ye hari bulan yg menarik. bagus jugak mcam tu, ban je Anonymous tu jadi kita boleh tahu sapa yg coment2 bukan2 tu. bagus bagus.. saya doskan semua berjalan dgn lancar lizardhunter. sabree

  2. ban je spesis yang cuba mematahkan semangat orang..

  3. alahai..abis la nanti semua org tahu yg pokcik ni la sebenarnya power rangers itam yg ensem itu..isk.isk.isk..

  4. Hi mate,
    well, I think they'll laet you start the club, just like they let MASOC start athe club. Legalization is still another issue.
    Not that I prayed that you will fail, I seriously doubt that an armchair general like you seriously understand the scenario we, the footsoldiers of airsoft who had been in this sport for like 4-5 years. You are too optimist, seeing only the benefit and this is your greatest weakness. You failure to anticipate problems will be your downfall. You have to be realistic. Even we who had been in this sport for years weren't able to contain outlaw airsofter and our number is still small, how do you think about mnanaging 30,000 airsofter?

    Soaring Eagle,
    Delta 1 EOD team

  5. Hi mate,
    I am not anonymous anyway. Many of my brethrens and I myself have tried to contact you but it seems that you didn't respond. There must be a reason why you didn't even bother to respond. I think I know why. The reason why you didn't want to establish contact with us are pretty simple - it's a big cake, and you want it all. at the end of the day, it all come down to dollar and cent.
    Sincerely, if you want to solely legalize airsoft without any other suspicious intent, you'll be willing to contact, cooperate with us (and we are willing to cooperate too, remember, we are BIGGER than you!). Unless it's all about the BIG DOUGH that's going to fill in your pocket.

    Soaring Eagle,
    Delta 1 EOD team

  6. apa lagi mencarut2 ni, senang mcm ni sapa2 takda kelab yg berdahtar tak dafter airsoft weapon kat polis kena rampas habis cita..

  7. Hi mat,
    I dont think this is about dominating the whole cake, it is IMPOSSIBLE to do so. Being optimistic is a good way to start something, if failed, learn from the mistake and never give up. Will power and determination is the key to success. Greater effort and stronger determination.

    But being too optimist and reluctant to identify weaknesses will be a recipe for disaster. This part I agree with you.

    I am an airsofter for more than 10 years. Not saying I'm a pro, but airsofting is my fav hobby for the past 10 years.

    I bet mr anonymous with the callsign 'Soaring Eagle' aware about milsim activities in northern part of this peninsular, not only among fellow Malaysian brothers, but with neigbouring Thai brothers too.

    And I'm not only indulge in the activity, I'm also selling it.

    When you said mr lizardhunter was unresponsive when you and your 'brethrens' try to contact him, I cant say anything. But I personally contacted him and he responded warmly.

    Personally I think mr lizardhunter have big interest with the sport and love it as much we 'veterans' do.

    He still young and much to learn. Give him support what we can, regardless the chances of success. Who knows, this might be his luck.

    I personally think chances are slim, but do hope he can success miraculously, and we all can be happy.

    And I dont mind he want to earn cash from this, it is nothing unusual coz I do think he spent a lot already. This is normal. A club that cant self-sustain, is a fail organization. Nowadays, all things need money, if a club cant fund itself, it wont last long.

    Hopefully all airsofters including 'Soaring Eagle' and his 'brethrens' will give constructive inputs to this guy, and if dont have any, silence is always better that degrading inputs.

    And good luck to you mr. lizard. Dont worry, me and my 'brethrens' are the BIGGEST of all, top rank in the food chain :-)

  8. i didnt respond? lol is it by a call? or SMS? i dont have a credit to reply any SMS fyi. But if u call me, u'll hear my voice for sure..coz i love to pick up the fon even my fon burning my ears meh... 019-6951043

  9. btw yes... by getting approved from MSN doesnt mean that its legalized already. But getting approved by MSN is like a Ticket or access key to another stages. Dont talk about legalizing etc if u didnt go through the 1st stage.

  10. hi everyone .
    according tosome of the "veterans " mr lizardhunter wanted to dominate the airsoft here in malysia . if the oldtimer want to join us and this club then join us . if not then stay away out of this club and this blog . cause all that you guys are doing are trying to demoralize us . but personally i think those so called "vet" are the one whose trying to dominate this arena . cause like they say all of it ends up to moneyyyyy . so take a moment and think if u like airsoft then do not say bad things about our leader .
    cause all the time that he has spend & all the that he has spend for this club are all coming out off his pocket . so if u want to talk rubbish in this club & this blog think again . u have give this club nothing . not even a moral support . so please every haters out there stay out of this blog . i hate to see all of your comment about what u do before .
    past is past nwow is present so lets pray everithing will be alright . even if we do not get this thing legalize , i still thank mr lizardhunter for trying . thank you boss .

  11. please evryone mr. lizardhunter just wants us to support him . so please don't get to excited and give a bad comments . furthermore you are using ANONYMOUS . such a freaking faggot . and please do not type your team name just to brag about it . and please do not use THE SEMPER FIDELIS . IT ONLY FOR THE MARINES & U ARE NOT . MR. SOARING EAGLE
    FROM DELTA 1 EOD TEAM .haha that is funny cause i don't think u ever touch a grenade .
    you are bragging about your team . so just go to them .

  12. pelik jugak ni..MASOC TAK PERNAH WUJUD PUN..x ada dalam senarai pertubuhan..x ada nama club MASOC pun kat mlaysia ni..naper pulak Soaring Eagle tu ckp kononnya MSN akn bagi encik lizard hunter tu buat club sama macam MASOC?? MASOC X WUJUD LANGSUNG..X DIDAFTARKAN LANGSUNG!!!! X PERNAH WUJUD DALAM MANA MANA PERTUBUHAN DALAM MALAYSIA..WHAT A JOKE..HOHOHO

  13. I just hope boleh lebih kurang sikit laa about the gun purchasing... kinda discriminating laaa~

  14. Mr Anonymous... we r not clear yet on the pricing the guns. but i dont think that we will mark up till 200% of the price. Beside..u have to know how much the kastam tax will be? 50%? 100%? 200%? Airsoft do have the tax which we cant avoid it.. so lets say the rifle price we can get is $100 + 50% of tax + 50% of the mark up = $200 eventho 50% markup is not good enough to make the club finance in stable.. we have to think about it.

  15. betul tu boss . kite sume ni sbagai rakyat negara ni kena lah faham kan . custom tax bukan nye tetap . tapi tax tu pasti ade . so be prepared la . kate minat bende ni . aku pun tgh ngompol nak tambah koleksi aku . aku pun dah abis beribu duit utk kostum & AEG & SPRING . so don't count your chicken before they hatch utk harge bende ni . kite harap bos kite dapat menjaya kan kelab ni dulu . klau ade yg rase bende ni mahal memang lh . bende ni kan illegal . so just bare it for now .

  16. yela... chicken pun xde... egg pun takde.. huhu~


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