Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Kepada sesiapa sahaja yang nak bagi comment yang tak "develope" langsung tu...lupakan lah niat Tuan/Puan. Bukan takleh komen tapi tolong la gunakan akal. BENAR!! memang saya dalam usaha keras untuk nak legalizekan airsoft. Memang MASOC dah gagal sebelum ni. Tapi tolong la ikut perkembangan semasa ek? Dulu masa zaman MASOC, PM = Tun Abdullah Badawi, Vice dia = Dato' Seri Najib, Ketua Polis = Tan Sri Musa Hassan. Tapi tu dulu..even dorang punya cara pn lain dari yg saya buat. totally.. Sekarang PM = Dato' Seri Najib, Ketua Polis = Tan Sri Hj Ismail which i belive their view on airsoft is diff. Nak tunggu airsoft ni jadi legal, kiamat pn tak dapat kalo tak fight. So kenapa ada Airsofter2 tegar macam ni tapi nak tunggu disuap baru nak kunyah??? sorry to say that but thats the fact. i have enough registered members to keep this going on so...yg suka sgt nak kritik2 tu, tak join pn takpe la...be happy with ur underground play. I belive that this is not what our members want. we can get all kind of airsoft we want and we can be underground player aswell.."if we want" but all we want is a freedom to play airsoft!! bukan main sorok2. Claimed sebagai airsoft yg "non newbie" tapi tak professional gitu? Even dadah pn boleh di"legalkan" kalo mintak dengan cara yang betol2 proper dan munasabah. Thx..


  1. wah..setuju sgt..macam marah ajer tuan pemburu cicak ni..hehehehe

  2. Tak la marah sangat..menyampah je dgn komen2 yg tak membangun nih. Dah gagal sekali, anggap mcm gagal selama-lamanya. Ape ke bende la agaknye.. Tuah manusia takde sape yg tau... Tapi perkara ajaib macam "aiman tak kesah" tu sume orang tau..

  3. there will be no development without foundation, and even there are no foundation, the development will not go far. Even so the development goes far and wide, the simple of all things, is that we want to play and enjoy the game that we all love with peace. hope you guys can understand the effort we all trying to make. its not emotional or anything. we just trying to gain peace when we play our favorite sport. Cheers.

  4. Yes... there will be no veteren/pro if there are no newbies/rookies...

    Everything start small, and start with nothing.

    Afterall this is just a HOBBY. no need to fight over things that we mutually like and love.

    Instead we should work together, veterans and rookies, for the sake of this sport.

    Peace all...


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