Sunday, October 10, 2010

Another Patch..

Lets make a vote on which patch is our choice...


  1. Yg atas tu bleh gak kalau nak di camo kan... Yg bawah tu pun bleh kalau nak di color kan... Kalau free nanti saya tambah lagi...

  2. emm... macam mana kalo yg bawah tu di combinekan kedua2 nya then yg atas tu leh gak digunakan utk lengan punya patch...macam division punya patch. hehe

  3. cun gila babas punya..harimau tu is the best..BUAT LOGO CLUB...dengan kat bawah tu..BUAT UNTUK LENGAN..SESUAI LA DENGAN org pakai baju celoreng..kui.kui.kui

  4. The Top one with the Tiger is better in Camo, with color is ok, but i think its kinda empty with too much color tho there are just 3 (tiger doesn't count). I think the skull one is kinda strong. Too Strong perhaps?

  5. rimau dan tengkorak tu memang ganaz...kang org ckp macam unit komando pulak..hohohohoho !!!

  6. hehe..tapi komando ni tembak tak mati punye..sakit je :D


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